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63rd Infantry Division Association, USAR
63rd Inf. Div (USAR) Annual Meeting, 26 April 2020 - Postponed
Greetings from your Board of Directors. As everyone is aware, we are experiencing a State-wide isolation request due to the Corona Virus; State and National officials are attempting to mitigate and slow the spread of the Virus until they can find the best treatments/ inoculations to prevent the further spread of disease.
On Thursday, your Board of Governors considered the implications of our Governor's (stay home request/order) and our constituency of the 63rd Division Association (USAR). With great regret, we voted to postpone the Annual Luncheon and Meeting until the fall.
We should soon have a post on that decision on the 63rd website, and on Facebook.
The 63rd Div. Association Treasurer will contact those who have sent in checks to determine what they want her to do with their check. Those luncheon checks have not been deposited at this time.
Best Regards,
J. D. Wisenbaker
63rd Inf. Div. Association (USAR)