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The 51st meeting of the 63rd Infantry Division Association USAR annual meeting took place at the Crystal Room of the Hotel Fullerton (Fullerton, CA) on 30 April 2017.   It started with the social hour, allowing members to mingle and connect with old and new friends. It was then called to order by President (BG-Ret) Charles Ebner.  The pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed, led by MSG Harrison.   Next, the Invocation was led by Chaplain (COL) Donald Forden.   


President Ebner then invited us to enjoy the buffet and begin our meal.


After the meal, the business meeting was started by the President.   BG Ebner began by reminding us that the guest speakers for the meeting were ourselves.   Each member was allotted 2-5 minutes to relate a special memory of their friendships, trials and tribulations as part of our Army Family.  Afterwards, COL Wisenbaker took the podium for the meeting, awarding a life membership Certificate to LTC Brian Silk.


Afterwards, he proceeded to the call for nominations for Board Membership, both from the floor, and from previous Board Members, who stated that they were willing to continue.   BG Ebner, COL Diaz, COL Wisenbaker, LTC Houghton and LTC Sweeney were up for re-election.   MG Josten had relocated to Virginia, and COL Ben Colcol was nominated in his place, to a term expiring in 2019. With no other nominations from the floor, the chair proceeded to a voice vote. The slate was re-elected by acclamation by for a 2 year term.   COL Wisenbaker then called for any questions or issues from the floor.


The traditional opportunity drawing was conducted by COL Collins, with assistance from Pan Mitchell.  Many items were donated and won, including several elaborate and special gift baskets, donated by Pan Mitchell, in memory of her husband, LTC Donald F. Mitchell. COL Colcol won the first, and donated it to the youngest member present.

Chaplain (COL) Donald Forden again performed the Chaplain duties, adding the Benediction and turning it over to Presi­dent Ebner to close the formal meeting.



The next meeting will be Sunday, 29 April 2018

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