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63rd Infantry Division Association, USAR
2019 Annual Meeting in Review
The Annual Meeting of the 63rd Infantry Division Association (USAR) took place at Hotel Fullerton on 28 April 2019. The Hotel hosted the gathering in the Crown 1 Room. Beginning at 1100, members began arriving and exchanging greetings. After the Social Hour, President BG Charles Ebner started the meeting at 1215 hours, beginning with an Invocation by COL (CH) Don Forden followed by singing of the National Anthem by Diana Diaz, the daughter of COL Al Diaz. BG Ebner then invited the gathering to the buffet meal, table by table, starting with the table of the Member with the senior Basic Pay Entry Date.
After the meal, the business meeting was called to order at 1310 hours. BG Ebner began by asking attendees to introduce themselves. He started by introducing COL Ben Colcol who introduced the new attendees (COL Don Cavallo and CSM Tony DiLorenzo). Many interesting and entertaining anecdotes were shared by the members.
BG Ebner then explained the challenges facing the organization and in filling openings in the Board of Governors. He also provided a presentation of the "Soldier for Life" program, noting that it paralleled the Marine concept of Marines for Life", and then distributed actual "Soldier for Life" decals to the membership. Next, COL Jim Wisenbaker proceeded to call for nominations to fill vacancies in the Board of Governors for the next two years. He called for nominations from the floor, followed by questioning Board Members with expiring terms, who all stated they were willing to continue serving. One new volunteer was COL Susan Lee. With no other nominations from the floor, the chair proceeded to a voice vote. The following members were elected to the Board of Governors (for x year term) by acclamation: BG Ebner, COL Wisenbaker, LTC Houghton, COL Colcol, LTC Sweeney, & COL Susan Lee.
Elizabeth Maloney from National Museum of the US Army provided an update on museum construction progress on North Ft. Belvoir, VA. She also described the Association's Plaque in the Veteran's Hall that is the result of our Association's financial support to the museum project. She also noted that the Museum is located near the main highway, where the public can easily access it without having to go through Post Security.
BG Ebner then called for questions or issues from the floor. Subsequently, COL Lydia Collins and COL Bill Reals, conducted the raffles, including the special raffle from Pan Mitchell in honor and memory of both her mother, a US Navy WAVE in WWII, and her husband, LTC Don Mitchell.
COL (CH) Don Forden was called to give a closing Benediction. President Ebner then closed the formal meeting at 1445 hours, releasing the membership for a group photograph conducted by COL Ben Colcol.